Listening to: the sound of my keyboard
Eating: chicken sandwiches
Drinking: water
Okay, I'm in hospital again.
But not for work. As a patient.
What happened? Well, I can only repeat what Eric told me.
Cause at a point, I don't remember anything.
It happened on friday.
We were visiting House in his room, he was laying there for the anaphylactic shock.
I am (okay, was!) his attending physician, so I had to take care of him.
"I'm okay!" he yelled, "I wanna go home!"
"House, ye said that ye aren't feeling good, so I can't let ye go!" I said and tried to stay calm.
"Bollocks! I wanna go home!" he repeated, "It was just because of this damn cashews!"
My head was hurting and House's behavior didn't help much with that fact.
"House dammit!" I said after a while of discussing, "Don't behave like a little child! As yer doctor I can't let ye go as long as yer not feeling well for a 100%!"
"Then give me some medicine and I'll be okay again!" he replied.
"No, I won't give ye any more drugs!" I said and sighed.
"Any more?" he asked.
"Well, House, what did ye eat or drink today?"
"Coffee and i think about three Vicodin." he said.
"Vicodin doesn't count as food!" I said, "Sorry, House, as long as yer feeling sick; I won't let ye go!" I said again and left the room.
I went into the office and took a glass of water.
I needed another paracetamol, otherwise the headache would have killed me.
And the cough was still there. It was evene worse.
I heard a knock on the door.
Through the glass I could see Eric standing there.
"May I come in?" he asked carefully.
I nodded.
"Everything's okay with you?" he asked and went over to me.
I nodded again: "Yeas, everything's fine!"
"Don't believe you!" he said and looked at me. "You still have your headache, right?"
"It hurts just a bit, it's because of the stress" House doesn't want to listen to me, he just thinks I want to mock him!"
"But you are really a bit...well...bitchy today..." eric said carefully.
"Really?" I asked. "I'm sorry, I'm just pissed off! House doesn't want to stay here, okay! I can imagine, but I don't want to torture him, I just care about him as his doctor!"
"Tell him!" said Eric.
"That's what I did. Be doesn't believe me." I sighed.
"okay,let's better go back to him."
We left the office again and went back to House's room.
He was still sitting there on his bad and looked at me with anger.
"okay, House, if ye want to leave, ask a nurse and she let ye go... on your own risk!" I said and sighed again.
"Are you sick?" house just asked.
"What...? No, I'm not sick!" I said.
"Yes, you are sick" And that's why you are so pissy!"
"House, I'm fine! And now do whatever you want, leave or stay here, but as yer doctor, I would ye please to stay here."
I tried to make a step forward to his bed, but I made a false step ... everything was spinning up suddenly, I couldn't see clearly and then everything turned dark...
Eric told me that I passed out.
I fell down on the ground and didn't even move anymore, I didn't even breathe.
House himself had a late reaction of his anaphylactic shock: his tounge was swelling more and more till it's was hard for him to talk the right way.
Luckily, Edward Marks entered the room at that moment, so that he could take care of House while Eric tried to wake me up again, bootless...
He told me he finally had to intubate and that I had to stay on a lounge ventilator.
Sunday I finally woke up and today Eric wants to run some tests.
He was very pissed when he found out that no test was done yet, not even a simple blood test.
Now we are waiting for the results and Eric wants to take a closer look to my lounge later, cause of my cough and the breathing problems.
By the way, I am still sharing my room with House. He doesn't feel well yet and there are no other free rooms at the moment, so we had to share this one.
Lucky, we both have our laptops here.
And I still think House is afraid of me, cause first he didn't want to share his room with me.
But finally he agreed cause there was no other way.
And he's behaving a bit...strange, but I think that is a reaction to his medicine.
I think the next days won't be that boring...!
I am NOT afraid of you!
And I am damn sure, that you ARE afraid of Chase!
Don't ask why...
Get better soon! And don't be afraid - he won't hurt you!
Get well soon! ;)
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