Listening to: Green Day - Wake me up when September ends
Eating: Crisps
Drinking: Cab - Lemon
So, this is it, we've got the year 2007!
Another year has passed and another one begins...
I think, this one is very special, it will bring many changes, don't know why, I just have a feeling like that...
Eric and I spent our New Year's Eve with House and Wilson at their place.
It was really funny.
Okay, I had to admit that my butt still hurts a bit (Eric wasn't happy about that, too, ehem...) but hey, it was just fair what House did.
okay, maybe Wilson should have had a revenge, cause it was him who had to cheer and threw the boxers, not House, but I think it's okay now.
And so we could make funny jokes about 'fart-cushions' and demolished chairs, red boxers and Cuddys angry face!
We had a lot of alcohol and nearly missed midnight, when we weren't able to open the bottle of champagne some minutes before.
But finally we managed to open it and filled our glasses with the clear sparkling liquid.
We cheered at each others and welcomened the new year with a kiss... I mean so did Eric and I and House and Wilson!
The sparkling bubbles streaming up in the glass respresented the past that was just gone, running up to the surface of the the champagne and went in the air.
Like the bubbles the past had gone away and the future is born in the air again, after the past passed on the surface of the drink, to see, what comes up next...
I felt Erics hand on my shoulder when I was staring into my glass, having these thoughts.
"Hey Honey, we want to see the fireworks outside, do you want to join us?" he asked me and smiled at me.
I just nodded and smiled back
We went outside and lokked into the dark sky with thousands of fireworks there.
One explosion followed the next and everything was covered with a shiny light of the red, blue and green rockets.
"It's wonderfull!" I mumbled and rested my head on Erics shoulder.
I could feel his arm embracing me.
"Yes, it is." he whispered and gave me a kiss on my hair.
After some minutes of watching the rockets and all that stuff that was blowing in the air in this night, we decided to go back into the apartement.
We had a lot of beer and listened to good music and i think we just "killed" six bottles of champagne!
Around one o'clock I think there was a time when we even fall sleep on the sofa... we really had a lot of alcohol...
We woke up around four o'clock I think and decided to go to bed... well, that means, that Wilson and House vanished behind the bedroom door and Eric and I stayed on the sofa.
Thank god that House has such a big sofa, otherwise it wouldn't had been possible for me and Eric to sleep on it in a more or less comfortable position!
We lay there, my head rested on his chest and glanced into the dark of the night.
"Honey...?" Eric started while he was crawling my head.
"i love you!" he just said.
"I love you, too!" I replied and looked at him.
"I think this will be a wonderfull year!" he said and gave me a soft kiss on my lips.
I closed my eyes and got totally lost in this kiss.
I could feel his tongue parting my lips carefully and I replied the kiss...
His arms, which still embraced me, hold me closer to him and i could feel one of his hands moving over my back.
I couldn't resist to moan, when it switched under the shirt of my pyjama.
I could even see him smile in front of my inner eye.
His hands were moving over my back and my chest while I was still caught in his arms.
Slowly, very slowly, his hands moved deeper and deeper...
Well, let's say we had a nice morning and a wonderfull New Year! *gg*
And I hope youall had a very nice New Years Eve and managed it to come into the year 2007 very well.
Maybe you've been on a party? Maybe you've been with friends? Maybe you were even drunk? ;-)
Whatever you did, whatever you want to do this year: I hope that you'll have fun, that you'll be healthy and that all your wishes will come true, even if they seem to be too phantastic....! ;-)
Geez, we were all pretty much drunk. Hehe ... you let out the fact that Foreman had a nap in the bathtube but you slept on the sofa at that time.
I was the only one who was nearly sober at that time - okay that changed afterwards but ... well my head tells me that it really must have been six bottles of champagne.
But I really didnt want to know what you did on our sofa!!!
Happy New Year - again!
God..therefore the strange stains on the sofa...
Heck, noooo!
I hope you had fun.
Happy New Year once again, "Robbie"!
Hey you're listening to my favourite song... Happy New Year! :)
House - there were NO strange stains on the sofa, when we left!
This must be a mistake!
Of course there were!
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