Listening to: Melanie Thornton - Wonderful Dream
Weather: snowy
Drinking: champagne
Eating: dessert
First of all: I want to wish a merry Christmas to all of you!
Hope you'll get not too much presents, but the right ones! ;-)
Well, I wanted to tell you about last night...but just a short impression, I think! ;-)
The flavor of cinnamon filled the room and the calm light of about two dozen candles let the living room appear in a warm and peaceful ambience.
Eric and I were sitting on the ground, next to the small christmas tree we bought two days ago. It was draped with red and silver christmas balls and lights.
We had suppered and were really full (we had fondue with beef, poultry and pork, with different kind of dips and for dessert we had a kind of yoghurt-creme with fruits, it was just great!)
Sitting there my head on his shoulder, listening to a christmas cd, i thought that I#d never had a better christmas before.
I was feeling so happy like i'd never been since years, even before I lost both of my parent, I couldn't imagine to feel so much peace around.
I stood up and went to the bedroom.
"Stay where you are!" I called from there to Eric.
I opened the wardrobe and found what I was looking for: Under a pack of pullovers I'd hidden a small red envelope. My present for Eric! (no, not only the envelope! of course there was something IN it!)
I went back and sat down again.
"Merry Christmas!" I whispered in his ear and handed him the envelope.
He looked at me with eyes wide open.
"Thank you..."
He opened the envelope so carefully as if he could break it's content.
Two tickets fell into his hands.
"A flight to Germany next year, one week in Cologne, including a musical visit!" I smiled at him.
"but...how...?" He was really speechless and so cute!
"Don't know, remembered that you always wanted to visit Germany once, and so I thought that might be the right present for you!" I grinned.
"Oooooh, thank you, Hon'!" He embraced me and I fell to the ground.
"hey, hey, be carefull!" I smiled and gave him a soft kiss.
"I am always!" he smiled and winked.
"So...?" I just asked and grinned again.
"Yeeeeeees!" He stood up again. "Now it's time for your present, I think!"
No, I don't tell you what he gave to me, I think he'll do it soon! *hehe*
But I really liked it and I enjoyed the evening with him...
Ace! ...as you would say.
Merry Christmas alec ;-)
Have fun, drongo!
I hear Köln is very nice,on the 11.11.
Wow this is sweet... :)
How sweet and touching page in your blog!
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