Listening to: Collin Hay - Overkill
Drinking: Coffee
Eating: nothing (but I'm hungry as always)
Weather: still snowing
Eric went in front of me until we reached a small lake. The water was nearly complete frozen, only in the middle of it left a bit water that wasn't covered with ice.
The stars reflected in the cat ice and let the screnery appear like pure magic.
Eric stood there, his face showed in the direction of the lake. Slowly he turned aroun.
"Chase..." he started.
"Yeas...?" I asked and wondered what would happened next.
"I love you!"
I didn't know what to say or do. I was paralised and could just stare at Eric. 'What? How can that be?'
Thoughts were running through my head, pictures appeared in my mind, pictures of what happened some weeks ago and I felt my mouth became totally dry.
"And I'm damn sure about that!" Eric stared back, directly into my eyes.
I tried to nodd, but somehow, my body didn't react like I weanted it to.
"You are... so... damn cute." he went on.
"I love it that you always stay 45 minutes in the bathroom.
I love it how you're making coffee.
I love it, that you're always sitting on the kitchen table, even if the chair is right next to you!"
At that moment, I couldn't avoid a little smile.
I remembered the first time Eric saw me sitting on the table and his weird look when he noticed me there.
"I love the way you're lokking at me and when your eyes start sparkling then."
I glanced in his eyes and tried to smile a bit.
"The way you're doing it right now!"
I looked back on the ground. 'Damn idiot!' But I couldn't resist to look back at him, noticing that his eyes were fixing me.
"I even love the way you're chewing on every pen that you can find! And I love the smell of your hair when you used your strawberry shampoo..."
I nearly started laughing. Don't know why, but somehow most people notice something abou my using of pens or about my hair, but that Eric would do that,,,
"Eric, I...I...I just don't know what to say..."
"I even love it when you react bitchy when you are in a bad mood!" he went on without listening to the words I said.
I smiled again a bit.
"I just love everything abou you!" he took a deep breath.
"But on the other hand... I hear things
about you, I didn't even want to know...." he ended.
I stared at him. What did he say?
"What....what do you mean...?" I stammered.
"Is is...is it true that you...tried to kiss House and...and..." He stopped and his body was shaking as if he would try not to cry.
"What???" I was shocked!
Again, there came pictures up in my mind, House and I sitting there in this bar, I rember that fifth Mojito I had... and then a long period of nothing but darkness... the next thing I could remember was Eric arraving at the Hemingway's, making his way through the crowd over to House and me...
"No! No! I mean... I can't remeber anything like that! Really!"
Eric took a deep breath.
"Really, you have to believe me, please Eric!" I looked at him begging.
"You can't remember anything?" he finally asked.
"No..." I shook my head.
"Can you remeber US?" he asked and stabbed me with his eyes.
I nodded slowly.
It was weird, but from the moment, Eric joint us that evening, everything was clear in my mind. More than just clear....!
"So did you ever really love me, Chase?" Eric asked me...
"A long period of nothing but darkness"...
You're lucky!
What the crap is this STUPID blog?? What happened to Chameron?
The Blog is funny though. ;-)
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