Listening to: nothin'
Eating: I'm not hungry...
Drinking: water
Weather: still no idea
While i'm in hospital, I have the time to go on writing about friday!
So, where did I stop...?
Ah, well....
"Did you ever love me, Chase?"
I stared at the ground, avoid to meet Erics eyes.
"Chase?" "hmhm..."
"I won't break your neck if you say no!" He grabbed my shoulder. "BUT..." He had something in his eyes that made clear that he was absolutely serious: "I want to hear the truth! Please don't tell me any lies!"
I nodded slowly.
I tried to make an answer, but my mouth was too dry, my throat seemed as if it doens't want to make any noise.
I croaked something.
"Did you?" asked Eric again.
Finally I managed to create a single sound...
"But..." Eric seemed to be a bit shocked "But why did you date Cameron after all?"
"I...I don't know...!"
"You even started a relationship with her on the same evening!" He stared at me.
"Everything was confusing..." I didn't know what to say anymore.
"That was the reason why I was so angry!" he screamed.
Suddenly we heard a scream yelling all over the forest: "YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"What the heck?" Eric looked around and listened.
"Hm? What...?" I stared at him and tried to listen in the night, too, but now there was silence.
"Nothing, I thought I heared House..." Eric said.
I shrugged my shoulders and lokked back on the ground again.
"So what are we going to do, DownUnderHairWonderBoy?" Eric asked me.
"This name will always follow me, won't it?" I laught.
"Definetly!" smiled Eric.
I smiled, but then I tried to become serious again.
"Eric, ...I...I am so sorry..." I whispered.
Eric took a deep breath: "Chase..." He was searching for the right words to say.
"Would you... Do you want to..."
"What...?" I made a step forwards to him.
"would you like.....ehm....together...with me.....!?"
I looked into his eyes and nodded very, very slowly.
"Does that mean yes? DOES THAT MEAN YES???" Eric screamed.
I nodded again.
He jumped forward and wraped his arms around my neck.
We smiled at each other and Eric finally said: "I love you!"
We closed our eyes and I could feel his lips softly touching mine...
We smiled again at each other, when we stopped kissing.
Suddenly, Eric was terrified.
"Oh gawd, the wedding's tomorrow!" he realised.
"Yeas, right." I took a look at the watch and corrected: "Today..."
"How can I explain this here to Cameron?" Eric asked me.
"Good question!" I nodded "Think we should try to explain this to her together! If we try to do it alone, seh'll kill us!"
"That's gonna be alot of fun..." Eric said.
"I mean...can we do this to house and Wilson? I mean it's their wedding and we are going to ruin the evening with my fucking breakup with Cameron!" I went a few steps to the next tree and kicked against the bole: "I think we'll have to wait till saturday evening when the party's over..."
"Or we never start something that..." I interrupted Eric, gave him a kiss and said: "Don't even think about it!"
He kissed me back and smiled: "Wanna go home?"
I nodded and he took my hand.
It was a strange feeling, I must admit. But somehow I knew it was "right".
House and Wilson were already gone, they packed their stuff together and made their way back.
Eric and I went to my car. Before I could open it, Eric stopped.
"Wait a sec!" He said and suqted in the snow. He painted some lines in the snow and after he stood up again, he smiled.
I went back to him, to see what he had drawn.
It was a huge heart and written in it was "C+E". "Had to be!" he said and smilet at me.
I grinned back and gave him another kiss.
"What a pity that it will only last till next snowfall..." I said and opened the car...
1 comment:
Carve another heart in a tree ;_)
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