Listening to: Depeche mode- enjoy the silence
Drinking: coffee
Eating: sandwiches
Weather: still snowing
While we were sitting there, House and Wilson kept cuddling the whole time and whispered to each other.
I got the strange feeling that they were talking about me.
I saked Foreman: "Do you know what they are talking...?"
He shook his head: "No."
"Seems to me like they are comprassing something."
Suddenly Wilson raised up and looked at Eric: "Foreman, wanna go for a walk?" He shrugged his shoulders and nodded.
"We'll be back soon!" said Wilson and kissed House once more. Than they left.
House and I left there all alone.
I looked above into the sky.
I felt a bit uncomfortable beening here alone with House and I couldn't avoid the feeling that he was observing me.
"What?" I finally asked.
"Nothing! What's going on with you? Don't loomk at me the way you're doing at the moment!" he answered angry.
"You are watching me!" I replied and felt the anger coming up.
"I'm just carefully!" He said and slipped a bit away from me.
"Why that? Don't be silly!"
"You exactly know what I mean!" Said House with a mixture of anger and fear in his voice.
"No, I don't know!" I really had no idea and still don't know...
House mumbled something into his beard and a heavy silence lay down over the glade.
After a few minutes I looked to the forest where Wilson and Eric had vanished.
"They take a lot of time, don't they?" I asked.
House mumbled again: "They are talking, that takes time!" He finally replied.
I nodded, but somehow I still worried about them.
"Is there some coffee left?" House asked.
I handled him the coffeepot.
Suddenly a loud scream yelled all over the forest:
I jumped up and was on my feet. "Was that Eric?" I asked House and fixed the trees in front of us.
"Yes, but this was just our screaming therapy" he said and sipped on his refilled coffee cup.
I still worried and felt some uneasiness.
"Sit down!" House said angrily.
Without taking my eyes off the forest, I sat down again... on something warm and softish...
"Get off of me!" screamed House and pushed me away.
I jumped up. "I'm sorry!!" and sit down on my old place, again.
That was the moment when Eric and Wilson appeared again.
"Heh, Eric, how are you?" I asked. He looked terrible, as if he had cried.
"Can we talk?" he asked me and his voice was quaking.
I nodded slowly and went behind him back to the forest....
1 comment:
You still don't know?
I really can't believe that.
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