listening to: Presidents of the United States - Postman
Eating: nothing, still can't eat properly
Drinking: water, water and...water!
Gawd, I really feel like crap.
After all, I'm still in hospital. I feel just a bit better right now, getting antibiotics for the pneumonia and after my test for the Epstein-Barr-virus came back positive, it means that I have infectious mononucleosis as well. Great!
That means that my leukocytes are pretty much higher as normal (in my case 20.000 per mm³) and with around 75% monocytes and lymphocytes (normally they are about 35%).
Well, at least, we thought I would get antobiotics for the pneumonia...(mononucleosis isn't treatable, you can only treat the symptoms until the immune system defeated the virus)
But yesterday something happened!
Eric was unsure why I didn't feel any better. House was there as well.
"How are you?" Eric asked.
"Well, I don't really feel any changes since I got the antibiotics." I said, still choughing.
"I've seen Miss Granger working around on your meds while you were asleep." said House.
"Do you want to say that Ginny changed Chase's meds to placebos?" Eric asked and stared at him.
I could just at the two men standing in front of my bed.
"Could be possible, would explain why our little wombat here is still sick." House glanced over to me. "I'll run a blood test to check if there are any meds in his blood."
He took a syringe: "Give me your arm, please!"
A bit unsure I reached out my arm and felt the needle breaking my skin. Well, at least was House still used in doing that, so it didn't hurt as much as it did when Ginny came to took some blood.
The red liquid flowed into the injection.
"So, I'll be back!" House grinned after he handed me a dabber to put it on the puncture.
House left the room and left Eric and me there alone.
"What do ye think?" I asked Eric, "Do ye believe Ginger changed my meds?"
"I don't know. I just know that you got your medicine for five days and you aren't feeling any better." he sighed.
I nodded slowly and coughed again.
Some time later, House came back.
"Nothing!" he said.
"nothing?" Eric asked.
"Yes, nothing, no antibiotics!" he said again.
I let my head fell back into my pillow.
"I...I'll kill her!" Eric yelled, "She could have killed him! I'll fire her!"
"No, you can't fire her!" House replied.
"Why not?"
"Cause only I can. And I'll do!" he said, grinned and left the room.
"I can't believe it..." Eric shook his head. "I really liked her somehow. And now she tried to kill my boyfriend. Why did she do that?"
"I don't know..." I was confused, my head was aching and I just wanted to sleep. Well, Ginny and I had never been friends, but this was really not her kind of way to 'solve' problems!
"I'll bring you your real medicine." Eric said and went to the door. "You'll be better soon, honey! And I'll talk to 'Miss Granger' tomorrow!"
The way he pronounced her name let me know that she was in big trouble now...
Well, now that I get the real meds, I hope that I can go home soon or even back to work.
Eric told me that the last week had been a bit difficult, cause first House was sick, I am still sick and Eric and Allison had to work together all alone. And she still doens't talk to one of us after all.
That means it had been a horrible week for my boyfriend.
But I'm sure that the meds will work soon and that I'll feel a lot better within the next few days.
I think latest on next weeks monday I can go back to work.
Or maybe I can leave the hospital and get the few days rest at home.
I just can't sit here in my bed anymore, my legs and my back hurt like hell...
I need to get some movement!
I think I'll try to make a little walk through the hospital.
I'll write again when there is something new to tell, means if any changes will appear.
I hope you are feeling better.
And sorry for my strange behavior.
hey there Dr.Chase.....I'm Amy from deviant art......I've tried contacting you before,but got no responce.....
I'm getting to know Greg and James and thought that I'd introduce my self to you.*hey there ^_^* maby we can contact each ohter on DA.I'd like that....(actually it would make my day)
thanks for your time....
cya lator,
Hai! Its just me,checking up on you......Hope you have a awsome holiday! *hugs* feel free to come and visit me at DA......I miss hearing from people like you.......
Amy------>wishes she wasent a freak....^_^
Doctors need some rest too! Don't put too much stress man
Doctors need some rest too! Don't put too much stress man
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