
Listening to: John cale - Hallelujah
Drinking: coffee
Eating: crisps
Weather: cloudy
Before I start writing about what happened on the wedding of House and Wilson, I wanted to tell you:
I'm back home! (since Saturday evening)
I'm feeling more or less okay, taking antibiotics against the encephalitis I had.
I still ahve to stay at home till Wednesday, to be sure, that I don't pass anyone else. God knows why I haven't Eric until now.
What happened later on that saturday after I was allowed to leave the hospital, I'll write later (who wants to get a little idea, take a look at my deviantArt!)
Now let's write abot last weeks saturday...
I put on my smoking and tried to avoid Allisons view. I felt shitty that I didn't told her yet what had happened the last night.
When she had asked me why I wasn't at home in the morning when she woke up, I just told her that I needed a midnight walk and met House, Wilson and Foreman outside.
After hours and hours of conversations, we decided to change to Erics place, because it became too cold to stay outside any longer! And that I finally fell asleep there...
More or less, that was the truth! I just let out some (okay, I must admit very important) details...
"Hey, how do you think do I look like?" Allison asked when she left the bathroom. She wore a really nice dress, I must admit, but after all i thought, that it didn't had the effect on me she might had wished for.
"Yeas, you're looking good!" I just said and tried to bound my bow tie.
"Thank you..."
Did she notice that there was something different on my mind? Or someone...!?
"Should I help you?" she asked when she saw me in front of the mirror, fighting with that bow tie.
"No thanks, I think I get this!" I said and finished the fight successfully.
"Are you ready?" she asked some minutes later when she had put on her shoes and jacket.
I just nodded, took my keys and my cell left the appartement.
"You're so quiet since the morning" Allison said during our way to the restaurant.
"hmhm..." I just mutteredand pretended to concentrate on the street.
"What's going on with you?" she asked.
"Nothin'. Please, I'm trying to drive!"
Allison folds her arms and looked straight on the street.
I sighed.
It was strange. I'd been happy with her for some time.
I really thought she was the one.
But time after time I realized, that there was something missing, something I couldn't explain.
I started to brood over my relationship, but since I couldn't explain what was that something or someone, that strange feeling of missing ... i tried to go on with my realtionship pretending to be happy.
Now I know that I was missing a special someone...
10 Minutes later, we arrived at the restaurant.
I parked the car and left it.
My stomach felt as if I'd had three rollercoaster rides with ten loopings each.
I glanced over the other cars and noticed a very familiar one, not far away from mine.
"Eric..." I thought.
I felt someone touching my hand. I smiled and turned around, but it was only Allison staring at me.
I tried to go on smiling, but somehow my face muscles seemed to be frozen.
Holding hands, we entered the restauant.
The first few hours went over and we were sitting on our places around the table.
Lunch was over and music was played, some couples danced to the sound of the band.
I sighted again.
During the meal Eric and I were searching each others eyes again and again.
Allison didn't seem to notice it.
I finally saw my chance, when House, Wilson and Eric stepped outside on the balcony.
"Excuse me a moment, please!" I said and stood up.
I followed the three men and stepped on the balcony, too.
"Hey Chase!" Eric smiled and gave me a quick kiss, after he made sure that none of the other guests was watching.
"Hey Eric!" I smiled in return.
House and Wilson were holding hands and drank champagne.
"Want some?" james asked and raised his glas.
Eric nodded: "Yes, I think, I'll need it today."
I grinned and nodded too: "One will be okay, I think, have to drive later, but till then there's a lot of time"
Wilson gave House a kiss on his cheeks and stepped inside again to get some more champagne.
"Gawd this evening is going to kill me!" I said and made a grimace.
"This evening or Allison?" asked Eric with a smile and he took my hand.
"Both!" I sighed and leaned against Erics shoulder.
"Did she say something?" he asked me.
I shook my head: "No. I think she didn't even notice anything! Lucky for us!" I sighed again.
Eric put his arm around me and gave me a hug.
"Come on, Hon', everything will be fine!"
"Yeas, after we were killed by my soon-ex-girlfriend!" I nodded.
Wilson came back on the balcony, carrying four glasses of champagn.
"Here they are!" he said and handed each of us one glas.
Eric took his arm off of me and took his glas. That was a perfect timing cause right at that moment Allison stepped outside to join us on the balcony.
"here you are!" she smiled.
"Yeas, here I am..." I said and tried to catch Erics eyes.
"I thought I wa shere with my boyfriend, but somehow he doesn't seem to want to spend his time with me!" she said a bit angry.
She also tried to be a bit sarcastic...but sorry, she really isn't!
Eric raised his glas and just said: "Cheers!" to help me not to answer that last sentence.
House, Wilson and I raised our glasses, too: "Cheers!"
Eric drank his whole glas within one draft.
"Eric, you are drinking alcohol?" Allison asked.
"Yes, I think I need it this evening." he said again and smiled. "Wohaa, that stuff works...!" he muttered.
"If you drink it all at once, of course!" She answered.
"That's my business!" he said a bit angry.
I could see his cheeks turning a bit red, he was already tipsy...
Later more, have to....ehm...stop now!